Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Not all National Trust properties are open yet, and those that are require pre-booking via their website, no later than 15:00 on the day prior to visit.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

Hatfield Forest

A rare surviving example of a medieval royal hunting forest still with fallow deer grazing, Hatfield Forest is of great historical and ecological importance, having been designated a SSSI and NNR. The shell house is a charming, rare, mind 18thC picnic room, decorated with flints and shells. The chases and rides provide excellent walks and there is a good coarse fishing on the larger lake. It has been owned and managed by the National Trust, an independent conservation charity, since 1924.

  • Currently: Light rain, 12° C
  • Saturday: Medium-level cloud, 13° C
  • Sunday: Low-level cloud, 14° C